Identity Panel Upgrade Workshop (course W823)

This course is for customers upgrading from prior version of Identity Panel to the latest Identity Panel Core Framework


  • You must be a systems engineer to attend this course.
  • You must have Software Assurance, or Knowledge Package for Identity Panel subscription
  • You must be running Identity Panel on-premises
  • Or, you must be an authorized reseller or integrator

Other workshop prerequisites

  • All host servers must be running .NET framework version updated to 4.6.1 or newer
  • Planned service outage during workshop: upgrade requires 30 minutes, plus 2 hours per 100,000 identities
  • Current SSL certificate for Identity Panel host URL
  • Internet connection (if not available on Identity Panel server, must be able to copy files to Identity Panel server)
  • Must bring a laptop with access to your test environment

Benefits of attending

Benefits of upgrading

Identity Panel includes the following major enhancements and improvements:

  • Refactored identity storage, resulting in a 500% improvement in Time Traveler and reporting performance. Additionally, version 4.1 can be configured to scan many more silos without suffering performance degradation.
  • Support for Azure CosmosDB as a backend data-store (HA License required)
  • Support for Azure KeyVault as an encryption and data-protection mechanism
  • WSFed authentication with ADFS
  • Improved upgrade experience, with a new installation helper, and support for remote updates of Panel Service via the scheduler
  • Introduction of Service Panel, a fully theme-able tool to expose a limited view of Identity Panel data to self-service end users, validate request fulfillment over time, and provide easy-to-use self-service action forms.


Planned service outage: upgrade requires 30 minutes, plus 2 hours per 100,000 identities

  • Current SSL certificate for Identity Panel host URL
  • Internet connection (if not available on Identity Panel server, must be able to copy files to Identity Panel server)

Workshop Agenda

  • Review of Identity Panel and what is new
  • Introduction to Canopy
  • Completion of worksheets
  • Review of the upgrade process
  • Perform upgrade
  • Service Panel introduction
  • Q&A: Identity Panel questions and answers

Upgrade Procedure Performed During Workshop

The upgrade procedure for Identity Panel upgrade requires the following steps:

  1. Download the Identity Panel installer self-extracting executable
  2. Run PanelSetup.exe and choose the upgrade option. This will:
    1. Install pre-requisites as required
    2. Stop and de-register existing virtual directory and app pool
    3. Install Identity Panel
    4. Invoke post-upgrade data migration (if applicable)
  3. Download and run Panel Service installer on each machine with a Panel Service installation
  4. Optional: configure Panel service account with permissions to perform in-place updates to simplify future upgrades