What is MIM?
Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 (MIM) is the latest incarnation of an on-premises server-based Microsoft product that used to be called ForeFront Identity Manager 2010 R2 (FIM), and Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) before that, and Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 (MIIS) before that. For a historical comparison see MIM, FIM and ILM compared.
Note that Azure AD Connect is based on MIM, too.
Fundamentally, MIM synchronizes identity data between various systems.
MIM is very flexible in what it can connect to (like Active Directory, other directories, HR systems, ERP systems, email systems etc.), and what objects it synchronizes (always users, often groups, and maybe roles, permissions, computers etc.)
It can provision and de-provision, enable and disable, move, and generally synchronize all types of attributes – even passwords (though passwords are not handled like other attributes – being propagated in real time, while regular attributes are synchronized on a schedule).
It comes with some options:
- A portal that includes a workflow engine for managing employees, contractors and groups, and for providing self-service password reset (it is noteworthy that the portal functionality is largely replaceable by features in Azure ADPremium, while the above synchronization capability remains a fundamental requirement to many hybrid implementations, and is actually part of Azure AD Premium)
- Reporting – though again, there are significant limitations, and third party alternatives are available (notably from SoftwareIdM)
Further MIM resources
We are experts in this complex technology, and we have lots of resources which you may find helpful. Here are some of the most popular:
- Webinar recordings:
- Blogs
Need training on Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM)?
Our industry-leading MIM training courses are available at three levels: MIM Foundation MIM Advanced and MIM Expert. We also offer a choice of ways to learn:
- Attend live instructor-led training courses in the classroom
- Join live instructor-led training via Teams/Skype in real time from wherever you are
- Study online at your own pace – start any time!
- Arrange private training for your IT team
MIM Foundation MIM Advanced MIM Expert
This glossary updated April 2021