Configuration Services

Our configuration services will get you up and running quickly with Identity Panel, Service Panel, and  Hypersync Panel

Quick links to configuration services for Identity Panel | Access Panel | Service Panel | Hypersync Panel

Identity Panel Configuration Services


The purpose of this fixed price configuration is to enable you to be up and running quickly with Identity Panel. By having your initial configuration complete you are in a position to expand your Identity Panel deployment. When combined with training and mentoring from SoftwareIDM and Oxford Computer Training, plus optional additional help from you favorite consultant or integrator, you will have everything you need to begin to see results.

What is included

Requirements Gathering

Using our requirement gathering templates, we walk you through the architecture and solution definition.

Deployment in two Environments

This configuration package may be used to deploy and configure Identity Panel in two environments, whether SaaS or on-premises.

Solution (up to)

  • Standard dashboard configuration – run history, health checks, and service feed monitoring
  • Health Checks – up to 2 multi-probe health checks per Panel service
  • Schedule optimization – Define your identity schedules including time frames, safety thresholds, alerting, and scheduled reporting
  • Workflows – Choose from our library of workflows, including health alerts, change control notifications, schedule threshold alerts
  • Security roles – Define basic security roles, and up to three custom security roles, such as schedule operators, schedule admins, custom reporting roles, etc.
  • Reporting – Import and customize Identity Panel reports appropriate for purchased providers. Includes importing and configuring up to 15 prebuilt reports, and up to 3 fully custom reports.
  • Infrastructure setup – Deploy Identity Panel on base infrastructure in up to two environments (provided software prerequisites are met), includes assistance configuring MongoDB and Elasticsearch clusters

What is not included

Defining your business processes. We are happy to help you, but this is where a partner, consultant, or internal resource in your organization can help you. Each company is unique on how long they wish to spend on defining processes, and therefore, it cannot be included in the fix price.

Project Management. We typically turn to an Integrator for project management, or charge extra to put a project manager on your project.

Contact us for more details!

Access Panel Configuration Services

SoftwareIDM is often asked if we offer a fixed price configuration for Access Panel. The answer is yes!


This fixed price configuration is to enable you to get Access Panel up and running quickly. By having your initial configuration complete you are in a position to replicate our work to expand your Access Panel deployment. When combined with training and mentoring from SoftwareIDM and Oxford Computer Training, plus optional additional help from your favorite consultant or integrator, you will have everything you need to begin to see results.

What’s included

Requirements Gathering

Using our requirement gathering templates, we walk you through the solution definition. This will define your solution.

Solution (up to)

  • Attestation campaigns – 3 attestation campaigns for entitlement management
  • RBAC/ABAC – 30 criteria group or entitlement definitions
  • Self Service  – 3 request policies for join/leave group or entitlement
  • PAM – 2 policies for just-in-time approval and workflow models
  • Inventory campaigns – 3 inventory campaigns for populating details on applications and resources
  • Audiences – 10 audience based security roles
  • Configuration of management hierarchy
  • Workflows for ownership reassignment on termination
  • 3 sources for importing users into access panel (e.g. Azure AD only users, AD users, line-of-business application)
  • 3 sources for importing resources into access panel (e.g. AD security groups, Azure distribution lists, ServiceNow roles)
  • 2 sources for importing application definitions into Access Panel (one of which may be GUI driven within Service Panel, if Service Panel is licensed)
  • 1 source for importing role definitions into Access Panel (which may be GUI driven within Service Panel, if Service Panel is licensed)

What is not included

Defining your business processes. We are happy to help you, but this is where a partner, consultant, or internal resource in your organization can help you. Each company is unique on how long they wish to spend on defining processes, and therefore, it cannot be included in the fix price.

Project Management. We typically turn to an Integrator for project management, or charge extra to put a project manager on your project.

Configuring Identity Panel. You will want to have Identity Panel installed and configured before starting on Access Panel, or plan to have it installed at the same time of this project.


Service Panel Configuration


The purpose of this fixed price configuration is to enable you to quickly obtain a full-featured Service Panel deployment. By having your initial configuration complete you are in a position to expand your configuration. When combined with training and mentoring from SoftwareIDM and Oxford Computer Training, plus optional additional help from you favorite consultant or integrator, you will have everything you need to begin to see results.

What is included

Requirements Gathering

Using our requirement gathering templates, we walk you through the solution definition. We will coordinate up to three days of requirements gathering meetings to capture your core business requirements. Your included solution scope will be determined in the requirements session.

Solution (up to)

Complete replacement replicating the functionality of an existing Identity Portal implementation (e.g. MIM Portal). Includes all user stories of existing solution, with minor amendments and enhancements as agreed in requirements gathering.

OR up to

  • 3 Identity virtual silos – e.g. People and Groups: Searchable virtual silo scopes for white pages and account management purposes
  • 3 Management object types – e.g. Locations, Business units, Departments: Create, Read, Update, Delete operations for up to three settings management virtual silos, used to define provisioning customization settings, templating, dropdown selection, etc.
  • 5 ServiceNOW integrations – up to 5 ServiceNOW (or other ticketing system) form integrations for ticket fulfillment automation
  • 15 Service Forms – up to 15 fully custom user story form flows for capturing account management interactions. May be used for self-service activities, management or service desk operations, non-person account management, etc.
  • Advanced processes – up to 5 advanced workflow processes, such as approval flows, anonymous form delivery (e.g. for initial password on-boarding processes), etc.
  • Direct + Sync integration – integrate form processing into a sync solution (e.g. MIM or HyperSync Panel), for authoritative data sourcing, as well as direct writeback (based on purchased Identity providers), for immediate user feedback with directory updates

What is not included

Defining your business processes. We are happy to help you, but this is where a partner, consultant, or internal resource in your organization can help you. Each company is unique on how long they wish to spend on defining processes, and therefore, it cannot be included in the fix price.

Project Management. We typically turn to an Integrator for project management, or charge extra to put a project manager on your project.

Configuring Identity Panel. You will want to have Identity Panel installed and configured before starting on Access Panel, or plan to have it installed at the same time of this project.

Contact us for more details!

HyperSync Panel Configuration


The purpose of this fixed price configuration is to enable you to quickly obtain a full-featured HyperSync Panel deployment. By having your initial configuration complete you are in a position to expand your configuration. When combined with training and mentoring from SoftwareIDM and Oxford Computer Training, plus optional additional help from you favorite consultant or integrator, you will have everything you need to begin to see results.

What is included

Requirements Gathering

Using our requirement gathering templates, we walk you through the solution definition. We will coordinate up to three days of requirements gathering meetings to capture your core business requirements. Your included solution scope will be determined in the requirements session.

Solution (up to)

Complete replacement replicating the functionality of an existing synchronization service implementation (e.g. MIM Synchronization Service). Includes all user stories of existing solution, with minor amendments and enhancements as agreed in requirements gathering.

OR up to

  • Providers – Integrate up to all purchased identity providers as synchronization sources/targets, including synchronizing multiple identity object types
  • Account scopes – Define up to 25 account scoping rules, filtering based on various account properties, sources, etc.
  • Provisioning – Define up to 20 account provisioning, de-provisioning and life-cycle rules (HyperSync state-based rules), covering different account types, life-cycles, authoritative sources, setup and password delivery flows, etc.
  • Event actions – Define up to 10 event-based action rules, covering notifications, date-based lifecycle, etc.
  • Attribute flow – Define up to 20 scoped attribute flow rule sets (with up to 20 flow rules per set)
  • Schedule definition and optimization – Define delta, full, and custom management synchronization schedule cycles
  • Testing and Bulk Update – Define up to 10 reusable test cases and/or bulk updates to validate the sync solution or allow for bulk operations, e.g. for data cleanup

What is not included

Defining your business processes. We are happy to help you, but this is where a partner, consultant, or internal resource in your organization can help you. Each company is unique on how long they wish to spend on defining processes, and therefore, it cannot be included in the fix price.

Project Management. We typically turn to an Integrator for project management, or charge extra to put a project manager on your project.

Configuring Identity Panel. You will want to have Identity Panel installed and configured before starting on Access Panel, or plan to have it installed at the same time of this project.

Contact us for more details!